Some 140 cow-themed designs were revealed for the first time at a private viewing for local business leaders on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at Hilton City Centre Cambridge
More than 30 Cows about Cambridge business sponsors gathered in anticipation ready to view possible Cow designs and commission artists to decorate their blank sculptures, ahead of participation in the spring 2020 art trail. The designs were shortlisted from a record 380 submissions made by local and national artists keen to be involved in this high-profile event.
Cows about Cambridge is delivered by creative producers Wild in Art in partnership with local children’s charity Break, and is supported by inaugural sponsor and Principal Partner, Cambridge Business Improvement District (BID).
“We’ve been astounded by the number and quality of entries sent in by artists,” commented Emily Chase, Art Coordinator for Cows about Cambridge “Sixty per cent on the shortlist are from the local region and we’re keen to cow-mmission as many as possible. There’s a strong feel-good factor already surrounding this project, and we’re still six months away from going live! It also means there’s still time to become a sponsor and support your city’s creative community in this fun but impactful initiative.”
At the event, business sponsors were given time to preview all 140 shortlisted submissions, which were grouped into four categories: Environment and Nature; All about Cambridge; Science and Technology; Characters and Fun. A cow bell was rung, signalling a stampede as sponsors rushed to put a sticker on their favourite artwork, thereby choosing an artist for their Cow. The chosen artists now have until the end of the year to complete their commission.
Two new, space-themed Cow sculptures were also unveiled during the event. Anonymous local street artists, Dinky Doors have created the MooMoo-o-Tron III- an armoured Cow that is helping to save the world. Stardust, by Natalie Guy, takes inspiration from the infinite cosmos and the stars, crossed with a mirrorball, and is covered in dazzling mirror tiles that glisten in the light.
Said Dinky Doors: “Cows about Cambridge share the view that public art is important. It’s accessible to young, old, rich and poor, and isn’t hidden in a gallery or locked away in someone’s home. We’re trying to *SAVE THE WORLD* from the relentless onslaught of terrible news, not just those lucky enough to be able to afford art. So the opportunity to create a piece of public art, but at a non-dinky scale, was hard to pass up. It’s another *WORLD SAVING* step, only biggerer. We’re delighted, and frankly flattered, to be a part of the project.”
MooMoo-o-Tron III, a Dinky Doors design unveiled at the art selection event
Next spring the completed, udderly unique Cow sculptures will form a trail of discovery across the city, encouraging residents and employees from Cambridge and the surrounding areas to explore their environment from an exciting new perspective - while promoting wellbeing and an active lifestyle, and facilitating discussions on environmental issues. Schools and colleges will join in, by adopting and design their own ‘mini moos’, as part of a county-wide Learning Programme. Community groups will also have the opportunity to tell their stories by working with a regional artist to decorate their very own Cow.